Jesus of Nazareth discovers his destiny: to redeem Israel, he must destroy the four Powers.
Son of Mary is Book 1 in the Crown of Thorns series--four novels on the life, death, and resurrection of Yeshua of Nazareth.
Yeshua has been told all his life that he is to redeem Israel someday. But how is he to do that? The man who redeems Israel must be a man of blood, a man of the sword. There is nothing in Yeshua to love the sword.
When a new prophet arises in Israel, Yeshua goes to ask how he is to redeem Israel. The prophet gives Yeshua a mysterious oracle: the man who would redeem Israel must find and destroy the "four Powers."
But who are these mysterious Powers? In each book, Yeshua must discover the next Power and destroy it ... or be killed.
Son of Mary is available on Amazon now.
Nazareth has been cruel to my mother, more cruel than any village ever was.
All the village says that my blood father is not the man who married my mother.
They have shamed her on the matter all my life.
Every woman asks which man of the village is my blood father.
Every man scowls and says he was not the one my mother seduced.
My mother will not tell who is my blood father.
My mother will not speak on the matter.
My mother bears her shame in silence.
Some righteous man, a prophet, said a word over me when I was a babe in arms. He told how I will redeem Israel when I grow to be a man.
Now I have grown to be a man, but I do not know how to redeem Israel. The scriptures do not explain the matter.
My people say that the man who redeems Israel must take up the sword and throw off our enemy, Rome, which we call the Great Satan.
My family says I must take up the sword.
Only I am no man of the sword. I wish with all my heart to redeem Israel, but HaShem, the God of our fathers, must tell me how.
Lately, there came a new prophet to Israel, who immerses for repentance at the river Jordan.
I went to ask the prophet how I should redeem Israel.
He said I am to smite the four Powers.
I asked what are the four Powers.
He could not say, but he said HaShem will reveal the matter to me.
I wish HaShem will reveal the matter, only I am not a prophet. Not yet.
But I will be.
Here is what I know. Every hour of every day, I feel the Presence of HaShem.
I do not know why I should feel the Presence always. My mother does not. My village does not. Even the prophet of HaShem does not.
I think the Presence will teach me the way to redeem Israel.
But I am afraid to redeem Israel.
To redeem Israel is to leave my mother to the scorn of the village.
The rage of the village.
My mother begs and cries on me to make a justice for her.
To make a justice on the village.
I do not know how to make a justice on the village.
I do not know how to redeem Israel.
But HaShem will show me the way.
I will learn how to be a prophet of HaShem.
I will learn how to redeem Israel.
I will learn how to make a justice for my mother.
I will smite the first Power.
Or I will die in the trying.